Manolo is working late tonight and I am missing him so much! Like seriously, throw myself on the couch and pout type of miss. In the past 2 weeks I've gotten so used to going to the store with him, cuddling with him on the couch while we watch tv, getting my feet rubbed by him, etc. It makes me realize (and not look forward to) the day when Manolo needs to go back to Spain to renew his visa.
Manolo has three options in January when his current visa expires. He already is planning on going back to Spain for the holidays (and I will hopefully be going with him) so options #1 and #2 will probably be what he does.
Option #1 - He goes to Spain and re-applys for another work visa. The cost is $400 and this option should only takes 2 months. The problem is that the work visa will only be good for 3-6 months and he'll need to go back to Spain and re-apply.
Option #2 - He applies for a fiancee visa. The cost is $400 and would take about 4 months to process. The problem is that we would need to marry in the States within 60 days of him receiving this visa. During that 4 months he wouldn't be able to visit me in the States although I could go to Spain and visit him.
Option #3 - We get married in Spain and then apply for a family visa. The cost is $1010 and would take 6 months to process BUT would be permanent. Woo!
Option #4 - We somehow get married in the States and then apply for a visa. I'm not even sure if this one would work out since I have seen no info on the web about this option. I'm thinking that it isn't a viable option although to me it makes the most sense (you live in America, get married in America).
Manolo and I are far from the "get married" stage although the future is very much on my mind and I am not looking forward to being apart from him for even a day.